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199 reviews
18.9 M downloads

What's the name of this song?

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Shazam is an excellent application that helps us find out the title of every song at the moment you're hearing it.

The only thing you need to do is hold your Android phone close to the source of the sound and wait about five seconds for it to process the song. Right after, and without the need of being silent, the program will tell you the exact title of the song you were listening to.

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The database of the program recognizes songs from Kanye West to Frank Sinatra or Spice Girls. Nothing or almost nothing escapes the app, thanks to its huge music database.

Shazam is quite useful for music lovers, because you can often find yourself in a situation where you hear a song that you don't recognize. So with a simple movement, you place your phone close to the source of the sound to find out the title of the song and listen to it as much as you want.

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Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 10 or higher required

Frequent questions

How do I search for songs on Shazam?

To search for songs on Shazam, open the app, tap the button in the center, and wait a few seconds for the app to identify the song. You can also activate automatic mode so it scans for the song as soon as you open the app.

Can I search for songs with lyrics on Shazam?

Yes, you can search for songs based on a verse or even a phrase. This feature is a great way to identify songs when you can't remember the title but some of the lyrics are stuck in your head.

How do I connect Shazam to Spotify?

To connect Shazam to Spotify, open the configuration section in the app's settings. After that, you can link your Spotify and Apple Music accounts to Shazam.

Is Shazam free?

Yes, Shazam is a free app. With this tool, you can look up songs in a matter of seconds, discover the hottest artists in each region, and listen to their songs or watch their videos at no additional cost.

Information about Shazam 14.38.0-240809

Package Name com.shazam.android
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Audio
Language English
11 more
Author Apple
Downloads 18,894,351
Date Aug 14, 2024
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

xapk 14.35.1-240723 Android + 10 Jul 24, 2024
apk 14.31.0-240620 Android + 10 Jun 23, 2024
apk 14.30.0-240613 Android + 10 Jun 19, 2024
apk 14.29.1-240612 Android + 10 Jun 14, 2024
apk 14.27.1-240529 Android + 10 May 30, 2024
apk 14.27.0-240524 Android + 10 May 25, 2024

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199 reviews


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fancysilverwolf76534 icon
2 days ago


grumpyblacknightingale92770 icon
1 week ago


lazypinknightingale57606 icon
2 weeks ago

very good

fancypurplecrane19250 icon
3 weeks ago

the fuses

sillyredchimpanzee2150 icon
3 weeks ago

I'm sure

hungryblueparrot18384 icon
4 weeks ago

look god


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